SPA Creative.TEAM 2020-2021 Registration/Information Update Form

Please fill out all sections as accurately and completely as possible. This will help us to ensure that everything is up to date!

3 stars = Very well; 2 stars = Average; 1 star = a little;
3 stars = Very well; 2 stars = Average; 1 star = a little;
3 stars = Very well; 2 stars = Average; 1 star = a little;
These are the values we commit to hold to as members of SPA Creative.TEAM:

Core – We realize the significance and importance of understanding the foundations of true worship, and we commit to furthering our knowledge of these foundations. God desires a heart that follows Him, and we commit to worshiping Him not only with our instruments and our voices but also with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. Worship is a lifestyle and not an event and we want our life to be a living sacrifice for Him.

Character – We commit to continuing our pursuit of Christ-likeness through many means including the following:

Prayer – we will pray for SPA Creative.TEAM, our leaders and SPA For Life!. We will pray for the services each week and come to rehearsals and events spiritually prepared to lead people into a personal encounter with God.
Private Worship – we will worship in our quiet time and will live a life of worship everywhere we go.
Bible Reading – we love to read God’s Word and we will commit to reading His Word on a consistent basis.
Bible Study – we want to know Him more and we commit to studying His Word with consistency and passion.
Christ-likeness – we realize that He has called us to a life that will reflect His likeness and we commit to allowing His Holy Spirit to lead us into a lifestyle of sanctification and separation from the things of this world that could contaminate our spirit and body.
Tithes & Offerings – we commit to returning the Lord’s tithe and to honor God with our financial offerings throughout the year.

Craft – God has blessed us with the opportunity to serve Him using the gifts and talents He has given to us. We commit to continuing our pursuit of excellence through many means including the following:

• We commit to at least one hour of practicing and playing/singing/rehearsing through all songs within 24 hours of our scheduled ministry time.
• We will strive to play/sing/present all songs exactly as posted and will strive to commit to memory all music so that we will not be dependent on charts during service times.
• We will be ready to rehearse and in position before all scheduled rehearsals as well as service times.
• We will be prepared to make any changes to the arrangements and production of all songs on the song list and will be willing to work with all music/vocal/tech directors while exhibiting a helpful and positive attitude.
• We have reviewed all dress code requirements and will gladly adhere to set platform policies.

Community – We see the value in nurturing a healthy relationship with all members of SPA Creative Worship. We commit to love, value, respect and protect those we serve through many means including the following:

Trust – we commit to trust others within healthy boundaries while believing the best motives.
Encouragement – we commit to affirm, build, and encourage others.
Resolution – we commit to resolve conflict with forgiveness and reconciliation.
Unity – we commit to walk in unity with grace and truth.
Accountability – we commit to being accountable to others that we might produce fruitful returns.
Fun – we commit to having fun as a team and family!

I commit to the above vision and values as a faithful, teachable and committed SPA Creative.TEAM member, and I commit to pray for my fellow team members, their families, my leaders and the congregation I am honored to serve.

I have reviewed and understand that I am expected to follow the guidelines laid out in the newest edition of the Worship Leadership Manual.